

本项目实现 PKCS#7/加密消息语法的子集(RFC2315RFC5652),以及相应国密支持《GB/T 35275-2017 信息安全技术 SM2密码算法加密签名消息语法规范》。这是 mozilla-services/pkcs7 的一个分支,目前mozilla-services/pkcs7已经是弃用状态,代码仓库也已经进入存档、只读状态。


数字信封数据(Enveloped Data)





是否国密 加密 解密(先调用Parse
Encrypt Decrypt
EncryptUsingPSK DecryptUsingPSK
EncryptSM Decrypt
EncryptCFCA DecryptCFCA
EncryptSMUsingPSK DecryptUsingPSK

关于EncryptSM / EncryptCFCA的区别,请参考CFCA互操作性指南
带PSK(Pre-shared key)后缀的方法,其对称加密密钥由调用者提供,而非随机生成。

加密数据(Encrypted Data)


签名数据(Signed Data)



  1. 创建SignedData (是否国密是指OID也使用国密体系)
是否国密 数据是否是哈希值 方法 默认签名算法
NewSignedData SHA1
NewSignedDataWithDigest SHA1
NewSMSignedData SM3
NewSMSignedDataWithDigest SM3
  1. 可选步骤:调用SetDigestAlgorithm设置想要的签名算法,通常国密不需要修改。
  2. 接着调用AddSignerAddSignerChain方法,进行签名;可以通过SignerInfoConfig.SkipCertificates指定忽略证书项(最终签名数据中不包含证书项);
  3. 如果进行Detach签名,则调用Detach方法;
  4. 最后调用Finish方法,序列化输出结果。


  1. 如果是直接对哈希值签名,一定是Detach签名。
  2. 国密签名如果要传入哈希值,在有Attribute的情况下,则哈希值只是标准的SM3哈希值;否则必须是符合SM2签名标准的哈希值(含SM2公钥信息)。



In PKCS#7 SignedData, attached and detached formats are supported… In detached format, data that is signed is not embedded inside the SignedData package instead it is placed at some external location…

可以参考RFC2315的第7章 注3:
The optional omission of the content field makes it possible to construct “external signatures,” for example, without modification to or replication of the content to which the signatures apply. In the case of external signatures, the content being signed would be omitted from the “inner” encapsulated ContentInfo value included in the signed-data content type.


p7, err := Parse(signed)
if err != nil {
	t.Fatalf("test %s/%s/%s: cannot parse signed data: %s", sigalgroot, sigalginter, sigalgsigner, err)
if testDetach {
  // Detached signature should not contain the content
  // So we should not be able to find the content in the parsed data
  // We should suppliment the content to the parsed data before verifying
	p7.Content = content
if !bytes.Equal(content, p7.Content) {
    t.Errorf("test %s/%s/%s: content was not found in the parsed data:\n\tExpected: %s\n\tActual: %s", sigalgroot, sigalginter, sigalgsigner, content, p7.Content)
if err := p7.VerifyWithChain(truststore); err != nil {
	t.Errorf("test %s/%s/%s: cannot verify signed data: %s", sigalgroot, sigalginter, sigalgsigner, err)



  1. 调用Parse方法;
  2. 如果是Detach签名数据,则手动设置原始数据(参考testSign方法);
  3. 如果签名数据中不包含证书项,则手动设置验签证书(参考TestSkipCertificates);
  4. 如果Content是原始数据,调用VerifyVerifyWithChain方法;如果Content是哈希值,调用VerifyAsDigestVerifyAsDigestWithChain方法。


DegenerateCertificate,退化成签名数据中只包含证书,目前没有使用SM2 OID的方法,如果需要可以请求添加。可以参考TestDegenerateCertificateTestParseSM2CertificateChain

签名及数字信封数据(Signed and Enveloped Data)


The “signed and enveloped data” content type is a part of the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS), which is used in various Internet Standards. However, it’s not recommended for use due to several reasons:

  1. Complexity: The “signed and enveloped data” content type combines two operations - signing and enveloping (encryption). This increases the complexity of the implementation and can lead to potential security vulnerabilities if not handled correctly.

  2. Order of Operations: The “signed and enveloped data” content type first signs the data and then encrypts it. This means that to verify the signature, the data must first be decrypted. This could potentially expose sensitive data to unauthorized parties before the signature is verified.

  3. Lack of Flexibility: Combining signing and enveloping into a single operation reduces flexibility. It’s often more useful to be able to perform these operations separately, as it allows for more varied use cases.

Instead of using the “signed and enveloped data” content type, it’s generally recommended to use separate “signed data” and “enveloped data” content types. This allows the operations to be performed in the order that best suits the application’s needs, and also simplifies the implementation.


  1. 调用NewSignedAndEnvelopedData或者NewSMSignedAndEnvelopedData创建SignedAndEnvelopedData数据结构,此过程包含了数据加密过程;
  2. 调用AddSignerAddSignerChain方法,进行签名;
  3. 调用AddRecipient方法,用Recipient的公钥加密数据密钥;
  4. 最后调用Finish方法,序列化输出结果。


  1. 调用Parse方法;
  2. 调用DecryptAndVerify或者DecryptAndVerifyOnlyOne进行解密和验签。